Saturday, December 22, 2007

Nobody right, nobody wrong

Nobody right, nobody wrong is a song by Michael Franti that echoes my beliefs. I wrote one along the same lines many years ago called the And Man - meaning essentially it is not one or the other, it is not either I am right or you are wrong - it means right AND wrong can exist together, not one or the other - our beliefs can co-exist together...

I believe that what I believe is not necessarily what you have to believe
I believe I need to find my way and my path to connect with God - the great spirit - whatever you want to call him/her - to find my highest potential
I believe your path may be a different way to the top of the mountain but as long as we can meet at the top, that is all that matters
I believe when an atheist tells a Christian he/she is wrong, or a Christian does the same to a respective atheist, that both of them are missing the point
I believe the portion of the 10 commandments that condemns "false gods" and portions of any other religious book - the portion that imposes a death sentence or a hell sentence for someone who believes a differing point of view is nothing but divisive
I believe all religions and peoples should be able to co-exist together and unite in their similarities instead of fighting over their difference
I believe that I am going to die some day and never will come back
I also believe that in a spiritual sense I have been alive forever and will live forever
I believe that atheists are right and there is no God in the traditional sense
I believe that when I think of God I believe that I am God and that every living thing together and collectively is God and/or the Goddess - the male and female side of the same life force
I believe in evolution and I believe God is evolving along with us
I do not believe in a God who sits in the sky and judges, watches and manipulates
I believe God is here with us and living our lives through us
I believe that Jesus Christ was the Lord and Savior, but not the only one
I believe Jesus Christ was the son of God
I believe I am also the son of God, along with 5 billion other sons and daughters of God
I believe in Moses, Abraham, Mohahmmad, Zeus, Elijah, Aphrodites, Pan, the devil and every living and breathing spiritual entity that has ever been believed in
I believe in logic, faith, science, math, medicine, shamanism, superstition, heaven and hell and that all of these exist simultaneously in our present state of existence
I believe that whatever comes next after our death is intended to be, whether that be a spirit form, re-incarnation, or eternal stillness and rest
I believe that the stage that it all comes down to is happening now in the present moment
I believe that for humans and animals to live together as brothers, sisters, and family works a lot better than for us to live in eternal hatred, strife, and conflict
I believe that accepting and becoming one with the world around me is a better alternative than one of domination and exploitation
I believe that there is nothing higher than breathing a breath of fresh air, or drinking a drop of pure water
I believe that love is a state of mind - and that once I connect with the great Goddess of love, nurturing, and warmth - she will always be with me
I believe that I can always live in a state of being in love, even if I am not acting out the drama of being in love with my wife or partner
I believe that the key to happiness is drinking in the spirit like a steady stream of water - not the empty river banks of depression or the roaring waterfall of mania, but a constant steady glass to be taken steadily, constantly and lovingly
I believe that when you work hard enough and look deep enough into your soul and pay your dues, that fear and sadness are a choice and not a necessity
I believe that we are here to be happy and happiness is available to any one of us who seeks it out through whatever spiritual path they choose
I believe that drugs, alcohol, sex, materialism and money in themselves are not evil, but by themselves they cannot bring happiness - even though they can do a good job of pretending to do this
I believe that a clear heart, good intentions, spiritual connection and constant work at one's faith are the keys to happiness
I believe that our loved ones and families give meanings to our lives
I believe that beyond our immediate family is the human family, the animal family, and the all living being family that we all belong to
I believe that I am never alone, even if I appear to be alone
I believe that as a cell in the body of God/dess that I have billions of companions
I believe that the power of prayer is the power of intent and that prayer does make things happen
I believe the power of prayer has kept our planet in tact, even if that planet of ours appears to be up against the ropes
I believe that the world can be whatever we want it to be, not the one we see on the television or news or history books
I believe that the purpose of my life is to use all of the powers of my spirit to make the world a loving and beautiful place
I am grateful that I am alive and am in a position to live out the rest of my days pursuing my dreams and spiritual purpose
I leave this writing in love, hope and bathed in the warmth of blessings

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